Friday, May 24, 2013

Whatcha Been Up To?

I just wanted to touch base in here. I haven't blogged in a while!
I am now down by 28 lbs!

I did fall back a little for a while within the frustration of a plateau of not losing any weight. Frustration seems to play a big part with me. I love instant gratification, and when I stop losing for a couple weeks, I step into old habits a little bit. Now,the weird thing is that I get right back on to Primal and go for gusto! I again start losing weight! When I stumbled back, I didn't go eating all shit food though, I did pay attention and ate healthy for about 60 to 70% of the time. So, I didn't gain back any weight, but didn't lose any either. I noticed a HUGE difference in the way I felt. I was so tired, and I just felt crappy for days and days. My Fibro flared immediately within the next day after eating grains and my Acid Reflux was awful again.
Now I am so happy to be back to feeling great again!

I also wanted to share something that really kills me...People that do not research the foods that they are recommending to others!!!!!!!!

One of my FB friends is going Gluten Free. Someone suggested that she use Smart Balance's 'Fake Butter'...Egg Beaters, and Truvia. I wanted to scream!!!! OMG People, PLEASE don't eat these things!
Just for kicks and maybe gaining of a tiny bit of knowledge, look here:

Truth about Truvia..

Egg Beaters..

Smart Balance...

Also, Look it all up for yourself! Look at the ingredients in theses  so-called 'foods'. HORRIBLE!
I cannot stress enough, Please do a bit of research for yourselves and READ the labels of everything. Do not be fooled by the "Natural" on the labels either. Don't eat processed foods! Simple,Healthy and Easy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

19 lbs GONE Since Jan 27th 2013!

Yep, in just over a month, I have now lost 19 lbs!

I  really can't stand the people that think they know everything and they will not listen or research for themselves when you try to explain something against their upbringing knowledge. Asshats.

Did you know...?
Bacon~ is good for you!  Yes, read that page! This explains the Bacon and the things below too...and Please do click the blue links on that page if you need the proof!
Whole Fats~ Whole Milk, Cream Cheese, Heavy Whipping Cream, Avocados, Coconut Oil etc. are good for you and your brain! Do Not buy or eat ANY fat free or low fat Anything!
Grains~ are completely UN-healthy, Yes, even those Whole Grain foods! Get rid of them all! Wheat, Rice, Corn, Soy...get them out of your body!

Don't believe everything you are told by the government, do some research for yourself and get healthy! I mean, if we all ate the government recommended 7 to 11 servings of grains per day, we would all be diabetic and worse!

Get Smart for You and Get Healthy for Life!
Much Primal Love!

PS....You want to keep on using Splenda? Maybe read this first and then dump it in the toilet.
There is a lot more information stating the same things if you just do a search. I never believe anything from only one source, you shouldn't either.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How do I feel so far?

Freakin' Great!

I no longer have the "brain fogginess", my mind is so much clearer and alert! I am so much happier and I don't feel down or depressed like I did before.

My Blood Sugar levels have went down from averages of 150's to 170's at fasting, down to 94 to the 130's at fasting! This is a huge difference when you are type 2 diabetic as I am!

I am barely hungry anymore and I also have lost all cravings for crap food (bread, donuts, cookies, potato chips, etc.). I still do crave pasta a little bit, but not much, and I can make my own grain free pasta for when I just have to have it!

I have been stuck a few days at the 11 lbs lost, not gaining, not losing any more weight yet, but my body has to get used to doing what it is supposed to be doing now, healthily. Since all the processed food and grains are gone, my body is now figuring out that it has to do things  a bit differently. The weird thing is that I can pull my blue jean shorts off without unbuttoning or unzipping them! I should start kicking in to fat burning mode any time and the weight will start to melt off again :) Love It! I just cannot get over how great this feeling is!

Grains are NOT healthy!!! If anyone wants to read about Why Grains are Unhealthy  Yes, even those Whole Grains, Click that link!

For so much awesome and awe inspiring information about Primal Eating, Go to Mark's Daily Apple and just take in all the wonderful information! There is a ton of info there! I cannot say enough good things!

P.S. Happy Primal Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Primal Pizza!

I absolutely LOVE Pizza, so being able to make a Primal version with a healthy crust is so awesome!
I used the recipe from Girl Gone Primal and I just modified it to our likes. I added about ¼ cup of Almond Flour to the "Crust Mix" and cooked it a bit longer than what she did since I wanted it a bit more crispy.
I am very happy with how this turned out. For toppings, we added Italian Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Onions and Mozzarella cheese.

Not the most beautiful and creative photo, but Wow, was it good!

This pizza has so much flavor! I cannot believe it! My Husband was shoveling it in and our Son was too.
I even took some over to my Mom and Dad (Who I am slowly trying to convert to Primal for their health) and they both liked it. My Mom LOVED it and she asked me to send her the modified recipe so she can make it for her and Dad!

Unfortunately, my Dad is stubborn and he won't listen to me at all. My Mom, on the other hand, is trying to go Primal with me!

Today's Primal Breakfast

This was my breakfast for this morning. Sorry I had to take a bite before photographing, I couldn't wait!
A 4 Large Egg Omelette with 3 pieces of Bacon and about 1½ cups of fresh organic Baby Spinach inside. Cooked in a bit of the bacon fat, Yum! Yes, on the Primal Eating Plan, I eat like this every day and lose weight and also get healthier with every meal. Cut out those horrible Grains, eat like the awesome Primal Human you are inside! Eat Meats, Veggies, Fruits, Nuts, and Dairy too!

No weight loss as of this morning, but no gain! Still, 10 lbs down last week, and eating like this every day, can't get better than this!
Much Primal Love!

Monday, February 4, 2013

10 lbs Gone in One Week!

As of this morning... I have lost 10 lbs! So, in 1 week, I have lost 10 lbs!!!!!!!!
I remember doing this last summer, the same way too! I lost a bunch of weight pretty fast, and this is really with no exercise to speak of, besides the regular daily walking around the house and small house cleaning that I can do, or going to the grocery store once a week.

I feel so much more alert and quite a bit more energy, but I am so limited in the things I can do with my restrictions... My brain is kinda bouncin' off the walls a bit. I am also noticing the "Low Carb Flu" hitting me too. I don't feel bad, I just seem to be a  bit sleepy or tired or something, but still wide awake, if that makes any sense. My body is also purging all the crap toxins, Thank Goodness! Not pleasant, but still wonderful :)

I have made some more than awesome food this week too, and every bit of it has been delicious! I need to start taking photos of my meals for you all to see :)
I have also taken a Before photo of myself, but, I am so embarrassed by my fat ass and belly right now that I am not posting it until I get some weight off and feel better about how I look. The fat on my abdomen really bugs me the most. I hate it, absolutely HATE it so much. I call it my Kangaroo Pouch, although a real Kangaroo Pouch is quite lovely looking and mine is not!

I have also noticed that posting my foods eaten every day on my Daily Log in the Lose It! Community, I can keep track better and actually see what I am eating, instead of making not-so-good choices. I have found the most wonderful people in there, all helpful, and so many positive aspects that I can't even begin to tell you how great of a place it is. If you want to be in a great place full of great people, check them out and join :)

Soon, I will be posting some of my own Primal-ized Recipes for you too! I will be making my Son and Husband, some wonderful Primal Banana pancakes this morning for breakfast!

Last night, (Sunday night) We went to Matt's Mom's house to pick up the little one, She pulled out this beautiful Lasagna from the oven and asked me if I wanted some. I was so proud that I was able to say "No". Not that I don't love Lasagna, I really do, but I was able to turn it down! So, Mom made some Ham for me! I ate Ham and Green Beans :)

Much Primal Love!

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Bit About My Primal Journey

First of all, This blog is for me. I would be more than ecstatic if it were to help someone else, but it is for me, so I can keep record in my own way of my journey. My journey to be the "Me" that I know is somewhere inside my horrible, disgusting, obese body.

I don't even know why my wonderful, sweet, and most loving soul mate husband loves me. I don't know why my beautiful 6 year old Son doesn't run away from me because I am so fat. I don't know how either one of them can even bear to look at me when I can barely look in the mirror at myself. These are the things I think to myself every single day.
The answer is simple: They love me....The me that's in there, not the me that is on the outside.
I am going to make the Outside Me, just as beautiful as the Me that's been lost for years now....and I am going to do it for ME. My Husband and Son will love me no matter what I look like, or how fat I am, I won't.

Here are my Major Challenges, besides being a total Carb Addict:

  1. I have Degenerative Disc Disease with the lower back disc at L4/L5 gone. Buldging disc at C5/C6 in my neck.
  2. I am Type 2 Diabetic.
  3. I have Fibromyalgea, High Blood Pressure, a Fatty Liver, PCOS, Acid Reflux, constant Chronic Pain, and of course I am Obese.

There are a few other things I could list but I don't want to type them all out.

Anyway, There is very little I can do as far as exercise because of my DDD. If I can avoid any type of back or neck surgery by not doing what I am not supposed to do, you got it, I am not doing it. I don't ever want to have back surgery or neck surgery. I watched my Mom go through both of them. No Way. Not unless I get to a point where I cannot move.

So, Last June I started a Primal Eating Plan. I LOVED it! Even though I only stuck with it for a month and a half, I felt so much better. This is what I am going back to, for the rest of my life. Within that small amount of time, I lost 28 lbs. 28 lbs in about 45 days!!! That was with no exercising, except the occasional house cleaning duties that I can do...and that is not much.
I had a stumble and began old eating habits again and then completely slipped out of Primal. I have only gained back 7 of those pounds, so I am not too upset at that. However, I wish I would have stuck with it, I could have lost so much more weight and been where I want to be right now. Healthier, Lighter, and ME!

So, if you are still reading this, and not bored to death yet, I will continue to update! ...for Me!

I started my new Primal on January 30th, 2013. I have lost 3 lbs! Here we go!